Go Skateboarding Australia Day

neeburn 11:55 24/Dec/14

Go Skateboarding Australia Day!
Rules are simple....

1) Put the VSA logo on your flyer announcing your event.
2) Get a group together at your local park, ditch, empty pool or ramp for a BBQ and a SKATE, on 26th January
3) Insist on fun!

Riverside Skate Park is set!
Sydney Regional Skate Association also insist on fun!

Best wishes to everyone for another great Australia Day session!

Go Skateboarding Australia Day

jroly may 17:09 26/Dec/14

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RE: Go Skateboarding Australia Day

neeburn 10:53 08/Jan/15

VSA ..... Insisting on FUN!

RE: Go Skateboarding Australia Day

neeburn 01:07 17/Jan/15

Go Skateboarding Australia Day in Townsville!

RE: Go Skateboarding Australia Day

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